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Quick Resume Broadcast
Stop Searching & Waiting...  Let Shipping Companies find you!
Quick Resume Broadcast is the fastest way to send your resume to multiple companies.
By subscribing to Quick Resume Broadcaster you choose to send your resume to thousands of companies world wide.

What you get?

 Send your Resume to multiple companies in one go
 You can hide your resume from unwanted companies before broadcasting.
 Avoid lengthy process of filling up registration details and its validation process.
 You can use your resume to apply any time in future.
 You gain fast paced membership of

What are the Advantages of quick Resume Broadcast:

 You will be able use your own format of resume in word text and tabular format.
 You save time by avoiding the lengthy process of registration and its validation.
 You send your resume to thousands of companies world-wide.
 You can hide your resume from unwanted companies. Your resume will not be sent to companies, which have been blocked by you.
 Quick Resume Broadcast is the fastest way to attract companies attention.

Why through is in service of seafarers since Year 2000. has the largest database.
 Your information is most secure with does not circulate your resume without you activating it. is most trusted brand amongst the seafarers and shipping companies.

What is the process: (It just takes 5 minutes to complete the process)

 After you enter your email id, you get a link for for filling up your personal and contact details.
 After submitting the personal and contact details, you get a page to paste your resume, which you can copy from your PC or Mobile.
 Hide your resume from some of the companies, if you want, review it, and then ..... wow... submit for broadcast.

Our Team then reviews your details in working hours, contacts you if any information is left out and then broadcasts it. You receive confirmation of completion of broadcast.

...and then be ready to start receiving calls from multiple companies.
