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.: 19-Nov-2022 :. Search News
Displaying 21 to 22 of Records.
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Nord Stream Leaks Confirmed as Sabotage, Sweden Says
Investigators have found traces of explosives at the site of the damaged Nord Stream gas pipelines, confirming sabotage had taken place, a Swedish prosecutor said on Friday. Swedish and Danish authorities are investigating four holes in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines which link Russia and Germany via the Baltic Sea... -gCaptain

Posted On:19-Nov-2022

India: Odisha govt approves new port policy to attract pvt investment
The Odisha state cabinet approved a new port policy on Friday. The new policy aims to facilitate private sector investments in maritime sector and the development of ports and port-related industries. The approval comes a week before the state is set to host its flagship biennial investment summit, Make in Odisha conclave... -The Indian Express

Posted On:19-Nov-2022

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